Personalized Nurse heart shape acrylic Plaque test
I bought the Vietnam wallet as a Christmas gift for my husband.He was so happy. He started crying. Best Christmas gift ever.
I like the 3D jacket! BUT I cannot wear it, due to the rosary on praying hands. I will find someone in my family who will wear it.
"IF" You have any bomber jacket with out the rosary, I'll purchase another one.
Personalized Autism Hoodie For Kids. Hoodie For Autistic Boys, Autistic Children, Autistic Girls, Autistic Boys MQND4180903
Love it, actually the face ,complexion, hair type & cut look like my Grandson . Framed at Hobby Lobby , they thought it was my Grandson picture on the blanket.. My Grandson is non verbal and the picture speaks for him. Definitely a keepsake
I love my hat and wear it proudly because Jesus has saved my life multiple times! Praise Jesus!!
I always use XL with things that are made over seas. This is way to small so I need to send it back. Looks nice but can't wear it .
Personalized Autism Hoodie For Kids. Hoodie For Autistic Boys, Autistic Children, Autistic Girls, Autistic Boys MQND4180903